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Council applies to import Australian wasp to stop invasive shrub

Horizons Regional Council has applied for approval to import and release the bud-galling wasp (Trichilogaster acaciaelongifoliae) as a biological control agent for Sydney golden wattle (Acacia longifolia).

Sydney golden wattle is a shrub or small tree. It was introduced to New Zealand as an ornamental plant and became naturalised before 1897. It invades open habitats and scrubland, especially in coastal areas. It can form dense stands that modify vegetation and ecological processes and threaten regeneration patterns.

The biocontrol agent is a small wasp that induces galls in flower buds, preventing the formation of flowers and thus preventing seed production. Galls can also form in growing points, preventing shoot growth.

The Environmental Protection Authority is calling for submissions on this application.

Read more here:

The deadline for submissions is 30 September at 11:59pm.

Treasurer wanted for our Trust

Are you an accountant (practising or retired) or someone with significant accounting experience who is passionate about the coast or the environment?

We are seeking someone who can assist us with applying for funding for our projects, oversee our finances and make sure we comply with legal requirements.

These are the duties that we need help with

* Assist with identifying funding opportunities and complete funding applications
* General overview of finances
* Check GST return
* Check annual accounts
* Write annual Treasurer Report
* Answer queries from administrator and trustees
* Provide financial advice
* Pursue bad debts if needed
* Help with budget
* Ensure the Trust complies with all legal accounting requirements

Time requirement:

On average a few hours a month in addition to
* monthly evening online meetings (1-2h),
* one in-person two-day meeting in September in Wellington, and
* one in-person meeting in March, which is combined with our annual conference

We offer:

* A great team to work with
* Trust-paid travel and accommodation for meetings and conferences
* Trust-paid 3-day annual conference

Please email our administrator if you would like more information or have a chat on the phone: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content].

The deadline for expressions of interest (CV and covering letter) is 28 August 2022, however this may be extended.

New coast care role for eastern Coromandel

Waikato Regional Council and Thames-Coromandel District Council are calling for Registrations of Interest (ROI) for a Coordinator for the Coastcare Programme (East Coast)

The opportunity
The Coastal Restoration Coordinator (East Coast) contract will drive and support coastal restoration programmes, by collaborating with Iwi, coastal restoration groups, and the public. The role will provide technical advice for restoration activities, coordinate working bees and plant orders with community groups, and place orders for plants and other related materials for the Coastcare programme, while providing regular progress reports to key contacts at Thames Coromandel District Council (TCDC) and Waikato
Regional Council (WRC). In this role you will promote the Coastcare and Coastal Restoration programmes and will work with a broad range of stakeholders, including WRC & TCDC staff/contractors, Coastcare coordinators, local iwi, rural and suburban communities, pest plant control contractors, nurseries, and other local government representatives.

What they need
• Honesty, enthusiasm, accountability, respect and teamwork are considered core competencies for all WRC and TCDC Contractors.
• The nature of this work means that the contractor may need to occasionally work evenings and weekends to fit in with community group needs (attend group meetings etc.).
• Applicants will need a moderate level of fitness to engage in working bees and other activities

Go here to find out more.

Deadline for questions is 9 August at midday.

Deadline for Expressions of Interest is 16 August at midday.

Taranaki Region developing estuary monitoring programme

In 2019, an Estuarine Vulnerability Assessment (EVA) was carried out by Robertson Environmental to guide the development of a new estuary monitoring programme.
To provide a representative assessment, 20 sites were included. This included the region’s larger estuaries north and south of the ring plain, as well as a number of smaller
stream mouths where tidal intrusion was marginal but may occasionally occur. Three main outputs were provided for each estuary: a habitat map, a vulnerability rating and
recommendations for future monitoring.

Overall vulnerability to the effects of sedimentation and eutrophication was determined to be ‘high’ in five estuaries, ‘moderate to high’ in another five, ‘moderate’ in nine and ‘minimal’ in one. Where the vulnerability of an estuary was ‘high’ or ‘moderate to high’, this was largely due to the effects of sedimentation rather than eutrophication. This was the case for seven of the 20 estuaries assessed, namely. Mōhakatino, Tongaporutu, Urenui, Mimitangiatua, Waitara, Pātea and Waitōtara.

Vulnerability to sedimentation was generally attributed to high sediment loads from the catchment, and the high proportion of soft mud cover in the estuary that was mapped during the condition assessment. Eutrophication was considered less of an issue. What we know in these estuaries due to them being well flushed, with no primary symptoms such as macroalgae and/or phytoplankton blooms identified during the condition assessments.

Vulnerability to eutrophication effects was ‘moderate to high’ for three estuaries, the Whenuakura, Oakura and Katikara. The latter two were the only estuaries where
symptoms of eutrophication, in the form of phytoplankton blooms, were recorded. Other estuaries, such as the Whenuakura, were considered susceptible to eutrophication
due to large areas of intertidal habitat which can support macroalgal blooms, high catchment nutrient loads, and where they were poorly flushed or restricted at the mouth.

To read more about estuaries in general and detail about the results of the survey go here (PDF, 287.5 KB).

Shellfish collection closed at Marsden Bank and Mair Bank, Whangarei.

The Marsden Bank and Mair Bank temporary closure to the take of all shellfish comes into effect today, Wednesday, 29 June 2022. It will end on Friday, 28 June 2024. The closure is made pursuant to section 186A of the Fisheries Act 1996.

Shellfish means and includes all species of the phylum Echinodermata and phylum Mollusca and all species of the
class Crustacea at any stage of their life history, whether living or dead.

More information.