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Applications open for Coastal Restoration post-graduate scholarship

Applications are now open for our annual coastal restoration scholarship. These are open to post-graduate students enrolled to do a study about the coast.

Find out more information and application forms here.

Applications close on 31 January 2023.

Nominations open for Coastal Restoration Award

It is that time of year again when you may want to start thinking about nominating a group that has done amazing coastal restoration work in recent times. This may even be a group that you are involved in or lead. Nominations close on 31 January 2023 and the winner will be announced during our conference in Auckland.

Please go to our Awards page and download the form.

The Coastal Restoration Award is kindly sponsored by Coastlands Plant Nursery.


Approval has been gained to plant 2,300 oioi (jointed wire rush) in Te Hakapupu (Pleasant River estuary, Otago) next month. Information is being sought from restoration leaders and kaitiaki who have experience with planting oioi so that they can design their planting trial in the most useful manner (treatments, replicates, monitoring methods etc.).

They would be extremely grateful if they could capture about 15-20 minutes of your time or, of people in your network: to go through the questions in the questionnaire below. You/they could either write notes and return the file or we could telephone or zoom together for me to record your/their guidance.

Here is a link to the questionnaire and contact details in Word and PDF.

Your help would be much appreciated!

Castlecliff coastal pest control program given major boost

Winning a Whanganui District Council (WDC) youth scholarship has provided the ideal opportunity for Jake Newton to support Progress Castlecliff’s Coast Care group, by contributing predator traps, boxes, and a huge pot of peanut butter.

Supported by DOC Predator Free Ranger Sanne Brock, Jake has been able to purchase 28 Victor rat traps, 2 Timms possum traps and he has assembled four wooden trap boxes so the Castlecliff trap line can be extended.

Read more here.

Whanganui Coastal Action Plan News August 2022

Following public consultation regarding the management of Castlecliff and Kai Iwi coastal areas in which ex CRT trustee and respected coastal management contractor Jim Dahm was involved, a report was presented at the Whanganui District Council meeting. Read the newsletter here. In this is a link to the Whanganui District Council meeting where this topic was discussed recently including some PowerPoint slides