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Voices from the Sea: Book Launch: Wellington

The Environmental Defence Society invites you to join the author Raewyn Peart and the Minister of Fisheries, Hon Stuart Nash in launching our latest publication in Wellington.

Raewyn was the keynote speaker at our conference in Whitianga in 2015. Her presentation of that time can be found here.

Details of the book launch:

Date: Monday 9 April
Time: 5.15pm – 7.00pm
Venue: Buddle Findlay, State Insurance Tower, 1 Willis Street, Wellington

The event is free to attend but RSVP is essential as places are limited.

You can register here.

If you can’t make it to the launch but would like a copy of the book, you can purchase it here.

Whanganui kids learn about coasts in Seaweek

Many Whanganui school kids have been to the beach this week. No, not to go swimming, but to learn about what lives at the beach and also about what shouldn’t be there at all.

A lovely photo with lots of kids graced the article that can be read in the Whanganui Chronicle

Hutt City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council Premier Sponsors

We are pleased to announce Hutt City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council as Premier sponsors for our 2018 conference in Petone.

Hutt City Council is hosting us in their area, have been the key to organising the conference and will be taking good care of us during our time there

Greater Wellington Regional Council is a partner of our trust and many of their staff will be attending the conference to learn and to share about coastal management.

Come join us for three days (or more!) of learning about what is happening on the Wellington coastlines and further afield and share experiences with other coastal enthusiasts.

Go to our conference page for more details.

Report on the effectiveness of the NZ Coastal Policy Statement Released

by Minister of Conservation, Hon. Eugenie Sage

New Zealand’s major surf breaks and the impacts of vehicles on beaches are receiving more attention from local authorities because of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 (NZCPS), new analysis released by Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage today shows.

“Surfers can be grateful that protecting surf breaks is now something that councils consider in preparing plans and when resource consents are sought for development work such as dredging,” Ms Sage said.

Under the Resource Management Act, the NZCPS guides local authority management of the coastal environment, and council and Environment Court decision making under the RMA. The Department of Conservation’s review of the NZCPS looked at how it has influenced decision making under the Act.

The review identified the need for guidance to support the coastal hazard policies in the NZCPS.

“This guidance has now been completed and along with the recently updated MFE guidance on coastal hazards and climate change will assist councils plan for storm events such as that experienced this week.

“I am pleased to see the NZCPS is making a difference and helping local authorities make better decisions and take a more strategic and integrated approach to coastal planning. There’s still a long way to go.

“The review also found while some local authorities have embraced the NZCPS and made good progress, others had work to do.”

Other findings included:

Councils who resource and implement a strategic and integrated approach to managing their coastal areas are making better progress in using the NZCPS to achieve good coastal management

Lack of accepted and consistent methods has been a problem in mapping and risk assessment relating to natural character and outstanding natural landscapes.

Consistent ways of working and further implementation guidance are still needed for councils

The views among sector groups on the implications of the Supreme Court’s 2014 King Salmon decision for resource management planning and decision making are strongly divided.

“As Conservation Minister I am particularly interested in looking at ways DOC can support councils in implementing the NZCPS, for example with coastal mapping information and by promoting better co-ordination of coastal management with urban development and freshwater management.

“These are important issues for a coastal country like New Zealand. I want to thank everyone who contributed to the review.”

The review of the NZCPS was initiated by DOC in 2016 to fulfil its monitoring responsibilities for the NZCPS in 2016 and was completed last year. It completes the first stage of monitoring the policy and points to the further monitoring work that is needed to provide a national perspective on coastal management trends.

The review can be found at

Fire devastates coastal restoration area in Timaru

A fire caused by fireworks on Guy Fawkes Day has devastated many years of coastal restoration work by council and volunteer workers in Caroline Bay, Timaru. It is estimated that the cost of repairing the damage will be $7500. One of our most ardent supporters has been involved in this and we feel sad for him and this loss to the Timaru community. Read the full story.