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Backdunes project firmly planted in year two

A winter of planting, weeding and now measuring has seen the Coastal Restoration Trust collaborative backdune biodiversity project firmly establish in its second year.

Thanks to the generous support of Councils, the Department of Conservation, the Ministry for the Environment and hundreds of volunteers with spades and clip-boards throughout the country, thousands of backdune plants have gone into the ground in the past two months -  many of which are in demonstration plots or monitoring sites.  

Seedlings were measured in each monitoring site and will be recorded again in 12 months to assess growth rates and survival by species and site.  Each site is different depending on factors such as  location, local climatic conditions, and existing species present so the results we obtain will really help at a local level.

Read the latest newsletter or find out more about the project.

Summer students wanted!

Bay of Plenty Regional Council is on the look out for summer students including coastal and estuarine ecology positions. Applications must be in by 21st September, 2012. See advertisements.