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Funds available for weed work

The National Trust Community Weed Busting Project is funded by DOC and seeks to facilitate and assist community groups waging war on weeds in ecological areas to support biodiversity. Through this project Coast Care groups may be able to access funding to combat weeds, for tools, materials, Growsafe certifications, herbicides, transport and food on volunteer days etc.

If you are looking for some extra assistance for this kind of thing, please contact Mike Urlich directly on 022 0430 9402 or at [Enable JavaScript to view protected content].

Kiwis Loving NZ's Beaches to Death


January 13, 2017

New Zealanders are worried about the future of our beaches, with storm surges, degradation of sand dunes, coastline development, sand mining and climate change putting their survival at risk, a new national survey has found.

The Coastal Restoration Trust’s survey of 1775 people, conducted by Horizon Research, found that almost two-thirds of Kiwis believed beach erosion was worse than it was 20 years ago, and most were worried that some New Zealand beaches might vanish forever.

Trust spokesman Tim Park said that, in many cases, New Zealand’s beaches were paying the price for overwhelming public popularity.

“We’re loving our beaches to death. We’re driving on them, building sea walls that change beach dynamics and sand movement, developing beachfront property virtually right on top on them.

“We’re shaping and managing our beaches to fit what people want and expect from them, rather than understanding and working with natural processes that are best for healthy, resilient beaches.

“If we can work with nature, rather than against it, everyone benefits. It’s vitally important, because some beaches are already under enormous pressure and are at risk of disappearing.

“Once a beach is gone, it’s gone for good.”

Mr Park said while many people saw erosion as a big issue for New Zealand’s coasts, research showed beaches could recover if coastal ecosystems – particularly sandy foredunes – were in a healthy, functioning state.

“In many situations we can manage issues more sustainably through ‘soft’ options that give beaches the space they need to breathe. Sand dunes are a perfect example. Not only are they a buffer against storm surges and even the potential of tsunamis, dunes play a vital role in the natural transit and accretion of sand, which is what helps keep a beach ecosystem healthy.

“We tend to overlook just how important sand is and why we need to look after it.”

Giving beaches more breathing space also meant taking a new look at how property development on our coastlines was managed.

“It’s natural for us to want to live as close to the beach as possible, but in many places we’ve simply gotten too close,” said Mr Park.

“Rather than trying to fight what’s a losing battle by building sea walls, or dumping loads of boulders, ‘setback’ (planning development further back from beaches to prevent the loss of dunes/houses completely in large storm events) is best. It’s also far more cost-effective to look after sand and restore dunes by planting native sand-binding vegetation, for example, at a fraction of the cost of seawalls, which don’t last long-term and often just shift problems somewhere else.”

The trust’s holistic approach to coastal management had led it to change its name from the Coastal Restoration Trust to the Coastal Restoration Trust, said Mr Park.

“It’s recognising that our coasts are part of an inter-connected system. It’s not one thing or another but a whole range of factors that shape our coastlines, and the survey shows more Kiwis are getting that.”


  • New Zealanders plan to go to the beach for an average of 13.6 days this summer
  • 50% say they have seen the effects of erosion at beaches in New Zealand; more than 60% say beaches are more eroded now than 20 years ago
  • 77% are concerned about the effect erosion may have on the future quality of New Zealand beaches; 28% are very concerned
  • Respondents rated “storm surges” as the major cause of beach erosion, followed by “degradation of sand dunes”, “development on coastlines”, “commercial sand mining” and “global warming/climate change”

The Horizon Research surveyed 1775 respondents nationally aged over 18. The sample has a margin of error of 2.3%.  Breakdowns of the results by geographical and socio-economic indicators are available on request.

For more information, contact: Tim Park, Coastal Restoration Trust, 021 247 9739.

Christchurch conference registration now open

We are excited to invite you to our Christchurch conference, Diverse Coastal Environments in a Time of Change, which is now open for registration.

There is a lot of coast to explore around Christchurch and for that reason there are two fieldtrips in addition to the usual three day conference. Check out the detail here and make it a real holiday!

Northland celebrates 10 years of Coast Care

CoastCare Northland was set up to help protect and restore Northland’s coastal sand dunes by supporting community groups to undertake dune restoration activities including planting, fencing, weed and pest control and education.

From small beginnings just over ten years ago, the programme now boasts 31 groups Northland-wide with more than 200 active members working on dune restoration projects at their local beach.  In the 2015/16 year, 1152 volunteers participated in the CoastCare programme.

Over the past decade, these dedicated members have spearheaded dune restoration planting and other work at 43 Northland coastal sites. Since 2016, 115,000 dune plants provided through the Environment Fund have been put in the ground over 10 planting seasons:  79,000 spinifex; 24,000 pingao; and 12,000 backdune plants, including Muehlenbeckia, flax, knobby clubrush and kanuka.

Read the full newsletter here.

Silent quakes move east coast North Island

Silent earthquakes, also known as slow-slip events, can move fault lines the equivalent of a magnitude 6+ earthquake over a period of weeks and months, without any shaking. They can follow large quakes, as they have after the recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake in the South Island, but often occur separately from them.

Read the full article here.