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Storms and sea level change on The Project

The Project on TV3 screened an interesting item on sea level rise recently. It raised the issue of property becoming uninsurable and the costs of trying to save it, with no guarantee of success. It used the example of Petone, the venue of this year’s Coastal Restoration Trust conference, which is expected to be 3.5m under water by the turn of the century. To check it out go to here. It is about 5 minutes long and starts at about 1:20. You may need to login.

Conference registration is now open

Our 2019 conference will bring coastal people together and take us to some stunning and interesting coastal places in the North Auckland region.

Conference registrations for our Living with Dynamic Shorelines Conference in Warkworth have just opened and if you want to take advantage of the early bird fee, book soon.

Find out more details on our conference page or go directly to the registration website.

Responses of spotless crake and fernbirds to trapping in Whangamarino & Awarua Wetlands

Principal Science Advisor for DOC in Christchurch, Colin O’Donnell reported at a recent national wetlands symposium on the results of wide-scale predator control in wetlands at Awarua (coastal Southland) and Whangamarino (Waikato).

Both spotless crake and fernbirds appear to be increasing in numbers in the treatment areas after 5+ years of predator control, which is exciting news.

The project demonstrates the potential benefits of predator control in wetlands. However, overall, occupancy of habitats is still very low compared to the historic counts undertaken nearly 40 years ago by Ogle & Cheyne (1980).

Watch the presentation

2019 conference in Warkworth

For those of you who have been hanging out for the place and dates: Wednesday to Friday 27-29 March is when our next conference will be held in the Warkworth Town Hall.

In addition there will be a DUNES101 course the day before the start, i.e. Tuesday 26 March.

The conference will be a mixture of indoor presentations (Wednesday and Thursday) and fieldtrips (every day). There will be a conference dinner on the Thursday.

Watch the conference page for the programme, registration details and more information as it comes to hand.

DOC wants your opinion on Whitebait Management

DOC wants your opinion on Whitebait Management - closes 7 January 2019

This process isn’t a consultation and no decisions will be taken from it at this stage, but what you say and the information gathered is important to shape what happens next. Their survey here will take 2 -5 minutes to complete, depending on how much additional information you wish to provide.