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Carbon Calculator reduces environmental foot print

Tane’s Tree Trust has recently launched its Carbon Calculator, which helps you calculate how many native trees you need to plant to counteract your environmental foot print. You can also calculate how much CO2 your planted trees are removing or will be removing in the future. There are many examples and explanations of how this works.

Start calculating and plant some trees!

Seaweek 2020

Kia ora koutou Ocean Lovers and Seaweek Supporters,

Ready, Set, GO! Mark your calendars because Seaweek is happening from Saturday 29th February to Sunday 8th March 2020! We have some announcements to share with everyone, the first one being this year’s theme:

Connecting With Our Seas
Ko au te moana, ko te moana ko au - I am the sea, the sea is me

This sentiment highlights the diverse connections and interactions we have with the sea which makes our lives so intertwined with the health of our ocean environment.

Go to the website or Facebook to keep an eye on how this week is going to shape up.