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Wine, cheese and art evening in Whanganui raises funds for our next conference

Wine & Cheese Evening featuring local artist Pauline Allomes

Friday 25th September 5 to 6.30 pm

Duncan Pavilion, Rangiora Street, Castlecliff

  • Progress Castlecliff Coast Care are launching Pauline’s upcoming exhibition “Line in the Sand
  • Pauline is well known for her micrography works featuring environmental issues
  • This time she has focused on dune plants observed at Castlecliff
  • Pauline is donating a percentage of her sales to Castlecliff Coast Care
  • In addition, Wine and Cheese evening proceeds support Whanganui based 2021 Coastal Restoration Trust NZ Conference
  • Tickets $20. Register your attendance with Graham at [Enable JavaScript to view protected content] or 06 344 1012

Exhibition “Line in the Sand” is being held at Pauline’s home, 4 Barrack Street, Aramoho from 3rd to 11th October, as a Whanganui Heritage month event.

The exhibition includes a display of early Castlecliff photographs compiled by local historian Lynne Douglas.

Coastal Restoration Trust receives funding for videos and workshops

After having to keep this a secret for a few months, we are pleased to announce the news that we have been granted funding from the DOC Community Fund for a 2-year project to produce lots of educational videos on coastal restoration as well as hold some workshops. Read the news here.

Updates about progress on this project will be shared on our Projects page under Videos and Workshops.

We thank DOC for supporting this project.

Waikato needs help planting dunes

Waikato Regional Council would like more volunteers to help plant dunes. The next session is at Port Waikato on Saturday 1 August, 10am.

There are many other planting bees in the Waikato region and details can be found on the Waikato Coastcare Facebook page. One is tomorrow in Kawhia, many in August and no doubt there will be more in September. Check it out!

Castlecliff Coastcare community planting days

If you’d like to be part of Castlecliff Coast Care’s winter Community Planting Days, dress up warm, and meet the team at The Duncan Pavilion, Rangiora St, Castlecliff, Whanganui (Manawatū) on Sunday, August 23, at 10.30am; or Saturday, September 19 for an afternoon planting session starting at 1.30pm.

See this story about a planting day held earlier this year and this one.