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Driving on Muriwai Beach feedback now available

Auckland Council received a total of 2180 formal survey submissions about driving on Muriwai Beach.

Key feedback themes

When asked which of the three options to manage the future of vehicles on the beach they prefer – seasonal closures, controlled access, or permanent closure:

  • 37 per cent prefer seasonal closures, restricting vehicle access to the beach at core times.
  • 32 per cent prefer controlled access
  • 21 per cent prefer permanent closure of all public vehicle access points.

For the full story and a link to the feedback document go here.

Myrtle rust webinar on Wed 20 October 11am

Lophomyrtus bullata leaf with brown telia, sexual spore stage of A. psidii. Photo: Michael Bartlett, Scion.Lophomyrtus bullata leaf with brown telia, sexual spore stage of A. psidii. Photo: Michael Bartlett, Scion.Austropuccinia psidii (myrtle rust) is likely bipolar and may outcross on universal hosts - Presented by Alistair Mctaggart, Plant Pathologist, The University of Queensland

Austropuccinia psidii reproduces sexually and asexually. A knowledge gap about its reproductive biology is whether populations of this pathogen that were formerly structured (separated) by host range can reproduce on shared hosts. Join us for this webinar by plant pathologist and mycologist Alistair McTaggart, who has been delving into this research area. Recent work by Alistair and colleagues determined whether mating genes in three genomes of A. psidii (from Australia, Brazil and South Africa) were under selection, as a proxy for whether different strains can reproduce sexually on a shared host. They examined contigs that contained three homologs of the STE3.2 gene, which were near-identical in the three genomes, and the homeodomain locus, which contained two alleles of two homeodomain genes in each genome. The lack of variation in STE3.2 genes may indicate A. psidii uses bipolar mating, and there are implications for biosecurity if different strains are sexually compatible based on variation in the homeodomain locus.

To attend this webinar, or to receive a recording to watch after the live session, register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Godwit webinar next Tuesday 19 October 8pm

Topic: Gob-Smacking Godwits


Adrian Riegen will follow the story of the 2021 godwit tracking project.
The marathon migrations of these extraordinary birds continue to amaze and surprise us.
If you have been following our regular updates, join us to discover the inside story and have your questions answered.

Tuesday 19th October 2021 - 8:00PM

To register go here

Estuaries in a changing world: 7 lessons for long-term monitoring

Over a year ago, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment released Managing our estuaries, a report that clearly outlines many estuaries are in trouble. Join us for a conversation about designing long-term monitoring programmes for estuaries, informed by our research.

The webinar is on at 11am on Wednesday 27 October.

Judi Hewitt (Sustainable Seas Challenge) and Megan Carbines (Auckland Council) will present 7 lessons for resource managers to consider when designing long-term monitoring programmes for estuaries.

Go here to register.

Project funding available from WWF. Applications close 26 October.

WWF is looking for hands-on community conservation groups that WWF-New Zealand and The Tindall Foundation can help fund.
Groups can focus on anything from habitat restoration and wildlife protection, to teaching skills that empower communities to care for their local environment.

Community groups can apply for up to $15,000 to amplify their amazing work and help our country’s precious nature thrive.

If you’re taking part in a conservation project, then we’d love for you to apply here.

Together, we can make a lasting impact for Aotearoa - and our planet.