
News article

Matariki celebrations at Rarawa Beach

Children are our future ‘coastal carers’ and more and more schools are getting involved in local coastal restoration work as a way of learning about this dynamic environment.

At Rarawa Beach, in the Far North, local tamariki are an essential part of passing on knowledge about looking after our coasts. Recently tamariki from Ngataki school worked at the Rarawa Beach backdune research site as part of their Matariki and Arbor Day celebrations.

Ngataki School tamariki planted trees in the backdune site and made (and flew) traditional manu aute - Maori kites along the beach.

The Rarwa Beach site is one of more than 50 around New Zealand being assessed as part of the Coastal Restoration Trust three year backdune restoration project. The project aims to investigate the most effective ways of restoring our backdune environments and is supported by the Minsitry for the Environment, Department of Conservation and Councils throughout the country. For further information on the project click here.