
News article

Backdunes Project heads to Gisborne

Thames-based coastal scientist Jim Dahm, a trustee on the NZ Coastal Restoration Trust with 20 years involvement in dune restoration by planting native species, has recently visited Gisborne as part of the Coastal Restoration Trust Coastal Backdunes project. “It’s great to see what Wainui Coast Care is doing. They are a good bunch of people with a great plan — just the sort of nucleus we need in the way beaches are managed,” he said.

The visit included a meeting at the Wainui Surf Club where Jim talked about reasons for the increased focus on working with nature as opposed to hard engineering in coastal areas. He talked about the form and function of our coastlines and dune systems as buffers to the sea as well as the basic guidelines for dune restoration and working with nature. He presented a range of case studies of work around New Zealand where the aims have been to restore biodiversity, enhance protection and manage coastal hazards. Some of these examples included urban areas where combined approaches using both nature and some engineering works were required.

Jennie Harre-Hindmarsh, who organised the visit, said that it was “very successful”. Click on the links below to read the media articles about this event.

1. Caring for our Coast – public forum article, Sat13 July 2013

2. Working with Nature (Wainui Beach Coast Care article and photo, Sat 20 July 2013)

Contact the Coastal Restoration Trust if you would like to be involved in one of our projects or organise a similar event to this one.