
Hinetamatea Planting Day

The whole community joined in to help with a day’s planting at Hinetamatea Marae north of Ūawa Tolaga Bay where the 2025 CRT conference will be held.

The planting done compromised of sea salt tolerant plants as well as sand binders to aid in stabilizing the dunes in front of the Marae and Urupaa.

Also share in the excellent news that Alison Waru has secured funding to build a nursery to grow plants for the East Coast.

Thanks to Oriana Rojas - Gisborne District Council -for supplying Pingao, Wiwi and Sand Coprosma.

Thanks to Mere Tamanui - Ngutu Kaka Trust - for the Toitoi, Tauhinu, Karo and Mahoe.

And thanks also to the Hinetamatea Marae Committee and whanau for their foresight in wanting to try this method of protection from sea level rise for the precious Marae and Urupaa.