Coastal Treasures of Murihiku Southland
Here is the conference booklet including programme, information and abstracts of speakers and the poster.
Here are some of the presentations:
Main speakers
Greg Bennett, Introduction to CRT
Keryn Roberts (Environment Southland), Coastal Dune Lakes of Southland
Renee Johansen, Dune grass root fungi, and, Myrtle Rust
Jim Dahm, The increasing role of coastal restoration (see also below, under Working with Nature)
Ben Knight, Litter Intelligence Programme
Lynne Huggins (DOC), Stewart Island Dune Restoration
Jolie Hazley (DOC), DOC Dune Restoration and Weed Control Programmes in Southern Fiordland
Lyle Mason, Farmer and CRT trustee
Fieldtrip notes by Brian Rance (DOC)
Regional Roundup
Graham & Lyn Pearson, Castlecliff Coast Care
Graeme Lyon, Petone Beach Care
Jason Roberts, Christchurch City Council
Tanya Patrick, Thames Coromandel District Council
Cate Ryan, Scholarship recipient 2020
Stacey Hill, Waikato Regional Council
Betsy Young, Te Roopu Whakaoranga O Te Taha Moana Trust
Alicia Lose, Coromandel Outdoor Learning Centre
Laura Shaft, Northland Regional Council
Here are the photos that Tim Park and Moniqua Nelson-Tunley took. If you have Google Photos you can add to this too.
We are very grateful to Environment Southland (PLATINUM/hosting sponsor) and Invercargill City Council (GOLD sponsor) for making this happen and to Coastlands Plant Nursery, our long term sponsor and sponsor of the conference dinner, and Southland District Council, who sponsored the fieldtrip on day 2.

“Working with Nature”
A FREE coastal management workshop was held the day before the conference at Environment Southland. Here is a PDF of the presentation. Thanks to Jim Dahm of Eco Nomos, who once again prepared and delivered Working with Nature at no charge to the Trust. This workshop was kindly sponsored by the Department of Conservation.
Excursion to Stewart Island
We had an informal trip to Stewart Island on the weekend following the conference. Thanks to Backcountry Cuisine for donating meals for this trip.