Way Out West!
Coastal Restoration Trust Conference 2014
11-13th March, Fitzroy Surf and Lifesaving Club, New Plymouth
Representatives from community groups, land owners, schools, local and central government, research and consulting enjoyed a great opportunity to connect, inform and inspire each other in our shared mission to ‘keep our dunes alive’.
Coastal Restoration Trust has been given permission to make the following presentations publically available on this website. The information and imagery within each presentation belongs to the individual presenter and/or their organisation. Please seek permission directly from the presenters to use any information or imagery contained in the following documents. Email contacts are provided on the front page of each presentation.
National perspectives
- Biosecurity in NZ - Sea spurge as a coastal example - Susanne Krejcek & Brad Chandler, Ministry for Primary Industries
- Coastal process - focusing on Taranaki - Dr Peter McComb, MetOcean
Taranaki and west coast region
- Waikato Regional Council west coast dune restoration - Sam Stephens, Waikato Regional Council
- Oakura trial site & School plantings - David Bergin, Environmental Restoration Ltd
- Sandy bay - Nicola Addison, Taranaki Regional Council
- Waikirikiri - Kevin Cash, Taranaki Regional Council
- Arawhata herb field - Leigh Honnor, Taranaki Tree Trust
Historical perspectives
- History of the Great Barrier Dunes - John Ogden, Former associate professor at Auckland University
- Australian wattle regeneration on the rear dunes - Graham Pearson, Castlecliff Coast Care
- Direct and indirect competition of introduced and native species in coastal areas of New Zealand - Susanne Krejcek, Quinovic/Coastal Restoration Trust Study Award recipient
- Drone image capture for restoration - Dr Hannah Buckley, Lincoln University
- Invertebrate communities of NZ sand dunes - Dr Hannah Buckley, Lincoln University
- Pingao - genetic variations - Dr Hannah Buckley, Lincoln University
Regional round up
- Northland - Coastcare overview
- Otaki - Waitohu Stream Care Group
- Taranaki - Patea Planting Trust
- Tauranga - Maketu Wetland Trust
- Waikato - Coastcare overview
- Wellington - Eastbourne Dunes Protection Group
- Wellington - Petone Beach
- Whanganui - Castlecliff Coast Care
Our sincere thanks to Local Conference Coordinator:
Helen Meintjes, Environment Team Leader, Taranaki Regional Council.
and to our generous sponsors: