Our 2025 conference was held at Hauiti marae in Ūawa Tolaga Bay, north of Gisborne. The conference theme was Taihuanui - A Bountiful Coast.
The manākitanga, kai, speakers, workshops, field trips and sunrises were incredible. We had over 160 attendees at peak and 58 stayed in the magnificent wharenui. A real privilege.
Simon Hoyle and Janet Andrews of Southlight Studio have produced a video of the Ūawa conference.
Here is our conference handbook (PDF, 2.36 MB)
Here is our conference video from Southlight Studio
The conference photos are available to download until 14 April 2025.
Our Coast: The Coastal Restoration Trust video project
Please send us your presentation if it isn’t already on this page!
Keynote speakers:
amber_dunn_pptx.pdf (PDF)
Victor Walker: Ūawanui - Adversity to Opportunity (PDF, 5.21 MB)
Dr David Bergin: CRT Project updates and proposals (PPTX, 1.94 MB)
Southlight Studio: What’s Up? (PDF, 6.00 MB)
Graeme Atkins: Coastal flora of Tairāwhiti (PDF, 7.37 MB)
Dr Laura Hughes, GNS Science: Bioshields and Tsunamis (PPTX, 13.78 MB)
Celia Wade-Brown MP: Domestic Cat Microchipping Bill (PPTX, 11.43 MB)
Don McLean: Weed Species Control for Dune Restoration (PPTX, 12.71 MB)
Regional Roundup:
Castlecliff Coast Care (PPTX, 22.72 MB)
Friends of Petone Beach (PDF, 6.39 MB)
Bream Bay Coastal Care Trust (PPTX, 30.47 MB)
Stuart Park Restoration Project (PPTX, 20.10 MB)
Waikato Coastcare (PPTX, 24.56 MB)
Slash for Cash (PPTX, 16.81 MB)
South Wairarapa Biodiversity Group (PPTX, 19.43 MB)
Te Whakapae Ururoa - Myrtle Rust survelliance project (PDF, 4.87 MB)
Coastcare Kaituna (PDF, 6.17 MB)
Whaingaroa Coastcare project (PDF, 11.58 MB)
Coast Care Bay of Plenty (PPTX, 17.24 MB)
Hoa o Horoirangi Rahui Moana (PDF, 1.34 MB)