
Te Taiao o Kāwhia Moana

Te Taiao o Kāwhia Moana

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Te Taiao o Kāwhia Moana

Date started: The group was set up informally as early as 2017 but only became a formally registered Incorporated Society in 2022.

Purpose of group: To educate people and communities on matters that promote the objectives of the Society.

Key objectives:

  1. To partner with Tāngata Whenua and provide for their enduring relationship with Kāwhia Moana and their role in the protection and conservation of the Kāwhia Moana environment.
  2. To protect and restore the land and waters surrounding Kāwhia Moana, including in relation to biodiversity and kai moana.
  3. To encourage a sustainable future for Kāwhia Moana and the people who live around it.
  4. To develop a healthy environment, support a sustainable economy and vibrant Kāwhia Moana community.

About the group: We are working to protect and enhance the Kawhia moana and its associated communities. Current projects include restoration planting in and around the harbour including the sand dunes, beach clean-ups, and pest control.

Location of main site: all work is currently concentrated in and around Kāwhia

Name of contact person: Jacqueline Margetts (Secretary)

Email address: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]

Preferred method of contact: Email or a message on the Facebook Page Te Taiao o Kāwhia Moana | Facebook