
Friends of the Petone Beach

Friends of the Petone Beach

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Friends of the Petone Beach

Date started: 2004

Purpose of the group: To restore the natural features of the dunes along Petone Beach.

About the group: The group has been planting coastal species such as pingao, golden sand sedge and spinifex to help form the dunes which have been absent from parts of the beach for a long time. They have also been working to eradicate foreign weeds such as gorse, broom and marram which are common European dune species that compete with local plants.

Group Convenor: Graeme Lyon

Phone: 04 938 4583 or 021 154 3850

Email: [Enable JavaScript to view protected content]

Alternative contact: Hutt City Council Reserves Ranger 04 560 6666

Friends of Petone Beach won the Coastal Restoration Trust’s Best Coastal Community Group Award in 2017. See news item on CRT news page and listen to an interview here.